1976 / Washington Quarter Gem Proof
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The Washington Quarter was created to honor the 200th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, the first President of the United States. The design was first released into circulation on August 1st, 1932, and continued unchanged until the Bicentennial Quarter design in 1976. The obverse of the Washington Quarter features a bust of George Washington and the reverse features a bald eagle grasping several arrows in its claws above two olive branches, beneath the motto E PLURIBUS UNUM.
Americans have long considered the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 as the birthday of the United States. And 1976 was a special year: the 200th anniversary, or bicentennial, of our nation’s founding. So for 1976, the U.S. Mint released special versions of three circulating coins: the Washington quarter, the Kennedy half dollar and the Eisenhower dollar. Instead of just the year noted, a dual date of “1776-1976” was featured.
This 1976 coin features sharp relief and mirror-like backgrounds, giving it a frosted, sculpted foregrounds and a special cameo effect. Similar to coin shown.